Superfoods and why the UK are loving them

Superfoods are undoubtedly making their way onto our shopping list. Recent years has seen the emergence of the likes of sweet potato, kale, and quinoa. However, sometimes healthy eating can be costly and is it actually worth the extra money you spend? And what exactly is a superfood? Well, to be a superfood a product must give a high quantity of nutritional value and antioxidants.  

What should we be eating?

Shopping for quinoa

This is something that should definitely be on your next shopping list. Featuring all 10 essential amino acids, quinoa is understood to be a complete protein which can help your muscles repair. Due to it being a complex carbohydrate, offering 46 grams each cup, it provides longer lasting energy. As well as being gluten free, quinoa is higher in fibre than most grains, but unfortunately, it’s not all soluble fibre. It has a low glycemic index which can help be part of a lower calorie intake.

Shopping for mango

Believe it or not, this product is a quick-digesting carbohydrate. It’s bursting at the seams with over 20 vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and is thought by many to be one of the tastiest ways to support a healthy lifestyle. The fruit can rapidly boost your energy at a time when your body needs it.

Shopping sweet potato

Jam-packed with carbohydrates, minerals and antioxidants, this orange tuber is a great source of potassium. This, according to studies, aids muscle tissue repair and can help prevent fatigue in your muscles. Their fibre content is higher than the average potato and, when combined with the likes of magnesium, the sweet potato can help improve your digestion. Elsewhere, they are an effective remedy to curing congestion of the nose, which can help relieve asthma and treat bronchitis. Other benefits are said to include a boosted immune system, helping to cure stomach ulcers, and maintaining the body’s water balance.

Shopping for sardines

Sardines are great for your health. The little nutrient powerhouse may provide a strong scent that smacks you in the face, but they can go a long way in helping to reduce inflammation and promoting bone, heart, and skin health.

They are high in vitamin D and, like avocado, have a great omega 3 fatty acid profile. Some of its great qualities include immune-boosting properties due to its high amount of selenium. This is normally found on its skin, so don’t go skinning this fish! The skin also helps your skin, aiding conditions such as psoriasis.

Shopping for avocados

Avocado is becoming a firm favourite among shoppers. It’s becoming more of a major player in restaurant menus due to its easily adaptable approach to recipes. It offers a host of vitamins, including A, C, D, E and K, as well as folic acid, magnesium, potassium, Omega 3, lutein, and fibre.

It also includes Omega 3. As a result, it can help reduce cholesterol. The grease can be used instead of butter or oil when cooking and the actual flesh can also be used to create hair and face masks. Super, right?


Crocus bulbs supplier, Suttons, brought you this article.




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